Enabl API to be queried such that it returns only the breach name
The ability to report data breaches
allow the pwnd password query to show the sites/breaches the password was included in?
Add a link to the site explaining what to do when you are a victim of data breach. · completed
Domain wide search results - Refined export of data
Update data breach information
Add an API endpoint that returns a rate limited response
add a date column to the excel export to make pinpointing recent data breaches easier
Filter breaches by "AddedDate"
Add wildcard support for spamgourmet addresses
Anonymous statistics about the collected data
Show me an example of the response that is received when a phone number is sent to the breachedaccounts api endpoint
Add potential causes for the 503 response. · completed
Differentiate hashed and plaintext passwords in the data classes
Report as an email containing additional details
excel sheet with all sites breaches with headers
add a webhook option for domain breach notifications.
Add an API to get the most recent breach date by account/email
Indicate which data classes were compromised for each record in a breach
Don't use Gravitar · declined