Filter breaches by "AddedDate"
Add a date filter to the api/breachedaccount/{account} endpoint.
In this way, we can only query breaches that were added after X date. This is helpful for notifications and reduces the amount of data we retrieve.

Takuto Lehr commented
I'd love this feature as well. If I'm operating a web service, I'd like to use the "breachedaccount" API to see if the customer's password has recently been leaked recently so I can ask them to reset their password. The "AddedDate" filter would be a great addition because if the breach was from more than 2 years ago then I would assumed that the customer has changed the password since then. In this case I wouldn't want to ask the customer to reset their password.
If I wanted to do this with v3 breachedaccount API, I'd have to call the API with ?truncateResponse=false parameter to have the "AddedDate" field included in the response. This is not ideal because the response returned with truncateResponse option set to true is quite large. For this reason, I'd love to be able to filter the result by "AddedDate" or have an option to include only the "AddedDate" in the response.
Can you expand on what you mean by "helpful for notifications"? Even with a filter, you'd still need to run the same number of queries and the data returned is small and compressed, plus you can pull the date of the incident from the API that lists the breaches and easily filter the returned records that way.