Ik have to check for every unique adres sperately. Why? My provider supplies instead of just the xxxx@dds.nl als o<enter_anything_here>@xxxx.dds.nl.
Ik give any company it's "own" adress. I use it to automatically filter my email , move to folders, and block adresses that have been leaked. Also I can prove to a company that they are the breach.
But as it is even more specific than + adressing, I have little hope for a functionality like <wildcard>@xxxx.dds.nl.
I can imagine the possibility for abuse. Maybe this is acceptable when wildcard is only allowed when there are 3 parts after the @?
Ik have to check for every unique adres sperately. Why? My provider supplies instead of just the xxxx@dds.nl als o<enter_anything_here>@xxxx.dds.nl.
Ik give any company it's "own" adress. I use it to automatically filter my email , move to folders, and block adresses that have been leaked. Also I can prove to a company that they are the breach.
But as it is even more specific than + adressing, I have little hope for a functionality like <wildcard>@xxxx.dds.nl.
I can imagine the possibility for abuse. Maybe this is acceptable when wildcard is only allowed when there are 3 parts after the @?