Enable search and notifications for email addresses using the "+" syntax
A lot of people use a syntax such as troyhunt+foo@hotmail.com where foo is a unique identifier for the site. They do this so that if they begin getting spammed, they can identify the source their email came from.
At the moment, HIBP treats this is a totally unique email address so if I've search for the parent email address without the "+" syntax, it won't be found. This idea is to ensure that searches and notifications recognise the syntax and return addresses that are logically still the same account.
One thing HIBP would also need to do is specify which account alias was in the breach or paste. For example, I would want to know that it was troyhunt+bar@hotmail.com that was exposed in the XYZ breach.
Edit: Just to put the value of this into context, I've just run some stats on the Adobe breach. Of the the 152,989,508 rows in the dump, only 49,905 email addresses have a "+" in the address so that's 0.03% of entries. That number is also a bit high as it includes junk entries. I'm definitely not ruling this idea out - it's still planned - I just wanted to give a sense of how useful it would be.
Edit: To add to this idea, Robert's comment about a period in the email is also very valid. I'd want to be very clear about the ubiquity of this practice across mail providers, but it's certainly a good suggestion and worth further investigation.

J commented
I would also expand this request to simply being able to search @domain.com
As an example, cPanel allows "catch all" so any errant emails are forwarded to a single account. It's intended so that a typo like bobb@domain.com can be redirected to bob@domain.com
You can use the feature to generate emails on the fly without them having an associated account, similar to the + syntax.
Unfortunately, that would also mean searching potentially hundreds of addresses one at a time to see if they've been compromised.
Thomas commented
If this idea gets implemented, please make it work only for "validated" emails. I don't want people to be able to type my email and see every variation of it. Hopefully we get this feature in the future =) Thank you Troy for all your hard work.
Stampy commented
It's interesting that this is the most requested feature by far, but the FAQ makes it sound like it's unimportant. If we're all using this website, it's a given that we're more security and privacy aware than others and we will use all tools available to us, such as the plus tag and using different spacing (such as: my-email, my.email, myemail, m.y.e.mail).
Thomas commented
Currently, if you enter an email (firstpart.lastpart@gmail.com) it'll show up differently than (firstpartlastpart@gmail.com). I searched for my email (myemail@gmail.com) and it does not show up (rightfully, I turned off searching) but if I search for my.email@gmail.com I see multiple breaches.
Anonymous commented
It would also be nice to see an example of the international phone number for those of us that are not familiar with that format
Anonymous commented
I am not sure if this is a duplicate, but here goes... It would be nice I could provide a base address (like first.last@gmail.com) and HIBP reported hits for:
1) any + variant of the base address (first-last+aNYstRing@gmail.com)
2) any valid dot format (i.e., f.irst-last@gmail.com and variants)
3) can handle user supplied dots in the base name without disabling #2 (i.e.,first.middle.last@gmail.com) -
D commented
status on this?
Claudio Brandt commented
(I understand there were similar suggestions, to which the response was to look at https://haveibeenpwned.uservoice.com/forums/275398-general/suggestions/6774229-enable-search-and-notifications-for-email-addresse, which concerns email aliases with '+'. But while aliases are necessarily known to the user who created them, variations with dot can be arbitrarily created by hackers and will be accepted both for email AND login by Gmail)
So the problem is:
Gmail is an ubiquitous email provider.
Gmail accepts dots anywhere in the username.
Gmail ignores dots, so that:user123 is the same as:
etcA hacker intent on evading HaveIBeenPwnd monitoring could easily add dots to all Gmail addresses before selling and/or leaking a list of email and passwords. This way, after a major leak is advertised, user123@gmail visiting HIBP may leave with a false sense of security that their password wasn't in the leak because currently HIBP will only return a match for the exact address(es) input by the user.
But if the hacker added a dot somewhere in the address, the combination username+password would still be available to access the account, while the legit user would not have a clue that their password was compromised.
The solution: for each Gmail address, remove the dots before adding to HIBP's database, so that:
1) user123, user.123, u.ser123 etc will be stored as user123 within HIBP's database;
2) when an user visits HIBP and inputs their Gmail address, any variation caused by dots will be stripped of dots before matching against HIBP's database, resulting in a positive even if a dot variant username was leaked.Thanks,
CB -
Michael commented
A more general syntax would be very helpful. I've been using spamgourmet.com for many years, and many of the addresses are valid for a long time period.
KP commented
Myself and many of my colleagues ONLY use this aliasing, especially since Microsoft added support for it in Office 365 (G Suite has had it for a while). Please please make this a feature!
PS: we would not expect Adobe users to make use of aliases hahaha.
Jusomagnificent commented
Mismatch commented
@Plusplus Most often than not, the e-mail "syntax" validations that block it are Javascript and client-side only. If you're able to register it with NoScript or Javascript disabled, you're generally also able to log-in with the registered "+"-tagged email. I don't remember which service now, but there was one case where I could register it tagged, but the backend automatically trimmed the tag away, and I noticed it because the confirmation email came untagged.
Plusplus commented
The tides might be changing https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/recipients-in-exchange-online/plus-addressing-in-exchange-online and in the spirit of catching leaks (however obfuscated), not supporting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Email_address#Subaddressing seems a bit unconstructive in supporting adoption.
Does / did Adobe allow subaddressing? (in all of its registration forms? typical hindrance)
Joe Weeds commented
plz plz plz do this... i use the + syntax to keep my logins unique and easily rememberable - which I think we can all agree is what we want most users doing as part of good digital hygiene. here you will be rewarding those taking the appropriate steps so that breaches do not spread further.
Joe Weeds commented
including a simple wildcard search where my_email_address+%@domain.com would be really useful. even if you didn't enumerate every variant of my_email_address+%@domain.com in the results but were at least able to link them in the search query. alternatively linking the email addresses (call them the parents) to the children (+something variants) would be fairly fast given that they represent 0.03% of the records and this can be done after the fact as a small post processing routine.
tymik commented
fully agreed, please do it!
and the stats for + sign can be like that because probably tons of people are not aware that it is possible - but most likely they are also not aware of HIBP, password managers and other stuff, and Adobe is quite popular among people with lower IT and security awareness. -
Anafabula commented
I recently changed my email provider and had to change my email for all my accounts. Now I use the "+" syntax on all my accounts and would like to still receive alerts for breaches that affect me.
Manually submitting the ~30 variations of my email address + any I make in the future to hibp would be quite inefficient.
(please do it)
Dre commented
These usecases would be very important to me. Both the plus alias and also the dot.
As a user who wants to keep track of sites breaches or when a company has given my details to other companies without my permission I currently use the + alias: example: name+alias@mail.com
Therefore I would like for HIBP to search for all aliases variations of my email address.
so that I can find in a more precise and efficient manner all the sites where my details have been compromised.Many thanks for keeping this in your backlog.
MaloWatt commented
This feature is very important!
Jeffrey Miller commented
This would be nice to have as an option.