Instead of showing the top 10 the newest breaches should be displayed on the frontpage
This is now done! Both the top 10 biggest and the 10 newest are now on the front page.
Ruediger Schultz commented
Hello Troy, just found this suggestion, which I actually would support as well...
As the original poster seems never to have replied to your question, I'll give you my "two cents worth of thoughts" here:
The "Top breaches" on the frontpage is nice from a statistical point of view, but seeing the "pwned websites" number increasing every few days, it would help to see the "latest ten breaches added" (maybe next to the "top breaches", and maybe with the "date added" visible as well).
And yes, I am talking about the "date added" and not the "date of the actual breach", because only after the data is added, one can actually "react" on these breaches... -
Can you tell me more about how you'd use this? I mean I get that you're talking about seeing what's recent, but would that be the most recent breaches or the most recent ones added to the system? Sometimes I add "classic" ones form some years ago, which would be more relevant?
Also, is this so that someone can come back to the site and monitor what's new? Does the RSS feed address this? Or is it that you think it might be more relevant to new visitors rather than listing what the big ones were?