Implement test API Key for automated domain search tests
I've created a little python tool that queries the hibp domain search for verified domains and breaches related to aliases of this domain. It then saves them to a csv-file.
Link to the project:
In order for better quality I would like to add automated testing via github actions. So my question is if you could provide a test-API key that has some domains subscribed with some breaches in the aliases so that I could query these and by this make sure code is still good when I change something.
For creating the tool I made a subscription and added some of my personal domains. Currently in these domains only 1 mail has 4 breaches, so this is not much data for testing my code. Furthermore I would like not to use this API key on github actions as then the results of my breaches would be public.
Would be great if you could create a test API-key. What do you think?