Add a IFrame (or other kind of embeded form) where we can easily add a search from our site that would send them to HIBP.
I don't need to understand API's. Your site works great and does an amazing service.
I would love a media kit/banner that we could add to our site, that we could use to direct users of our site to go to HIBP and check themselves.
I don't want to download or use your logos without permission.
You could add a section saying: "promote us:" and pre-prepare icons and buttons for use, if someone chooses, to link to your site.
In addition, if you could create a form that would allow them to enter the email they want to search, just to make it one step easier...
Or enable something as easy as an incoming query string:
Just looking to let my users use your site faster and more efficiently without me needing the traffic or information flowing through my site.
Thanks for considering.

Framing HIBP is definitely not an option, in fact there's a frame ancestors content security policy in place to specifically stop that from happening.
The API is the easiest option if you want seamless integration:
If you'd like to deep-link to search results, try this pattern: