Breach and the accounts on your domains through API
When there is a breach we get an email with the number of accounts for ur domains, then I can use the API to get the breacheddomain. But then I get alle the breaches for that domain, and I want to get only a specifiek breach. So you can search on domein and breach and then get the accounts regarding this.

B W commented
This is a feature HIBP has been lacking for a long time, but now it is critical.
My family owns a tiny domain just for our personal use. We've had it for decades, with few accounts but many different email aliases. Unfortunately, HIBP's current business model is based on the number of addresses found in _all_ breaches, ever and we just can't afford to pay the required rate.
My hope is that if HIBP implemented searching by specific breach, they could then consider charging just an à la carte price for the one account found in the latest breach — which is what I actually need — instead of the requiring a large payment for all the historical breaches.