Better way to cancel subscription
For whatever reason, I am not receiving emails for the API Key subscription service. I have verified that is on the trusted senders list, is not on the blocked senders list, and have made sure the emails aren't going to junk. Unless Microsoft is blocking emails intentionally, I am not able to cancel my subscription to the API key which I no longer need (switching companies very shortly).
Please provide a better/easier way to cancel API keys.
You’ll be blocking the mail, get in touch with me personally and I’ll sort it out for you:
For thread completeness, Michael had previously reported HIBP email as spam which then put his address on a SendGrid suppression list.
Michael commented
Sent you an email and CC'ed my OWASP email account as well for additional validation. I also deleted all BLOCKED senders out of my Junk mail rules on Hotmail and tried again. Still no email.