improvement on awarness and great feature
It would be better if u also added the info about which site leaked our data, no need to give passwords...
It would encourage us to let our friends know about it if they used the same website and create a lot more interest and awareness all around.
I know this data(which site leaked it) might be hard to get and might be rarely available .You might know only few of thosee.But still ,a start in this direction might be lovely and show to other people that u dont know where the leak came from...they might help u provide the missing part if they remember the only site they used that credentials to...
OR you could add the list number, a number that would let people know which chunk was hacked from these...
we would also know how many lists have u gone through and can even appreciate your hard work...😅
This might be a great move...
my english is too bad, I know and really really sory for that but please do respond...
HIBP already tells you which site leaked the data, it appears immediately after performing a search.