API access: Recurring yearly payment
This would help us alot as a company. Doing monthly bill mapping with a corporate creditcard is not working for us :-)
This is coming soon! Announcement and details here: https://www.troyhunt.com/expanding-and-enhancing-the-have-i-been-pwned-api/

This is now complete! Read all about it here: https://www.troyhunt.com/the-have-i-been-pwned-api-now-has-different-rate-limits-and-annual-billing/
MG commented
I would pay more if I could do annual billing and reduced limits on API usage.
Ludovico Russo commented
I'm waiting for this feature!
Kyle Behse commented
Please add this feature, it is a pain to reconcile this every month!
Anonymous commented
Yearly subscriptions would be really helpful for corporate environments.
Ashpak Pathan commented
Hi There,
Can you please change the subscription from Monthly to Annual subscription? It helps in getting one time cost re-imbursement than asking for monthly basis.
Ash -
nïkö commented
Hey, just had the time, coming back to this.
i had implemented a monthly check on hibp with your api v2 on my server, witch is currently handling <300 mail-addresses. according to this number i a) wouldn't even hit the monthly limit i get for $3,50 in ten years or so and b) just really can't afford this. nevertheless it'd be a good thing to serve to my users again, if their addresses appear somewhere - and they do - of course they do!... :/
so in my case - and i believe i'm not the only one - it'd be awesome, being able to order the current offer being valid for a year. should be easy to implement, would be a huge step for a better internet, i guess. -
antoine commented
Hi, could we have an accoutn without rate limitation ? we would be able to pay much more if the query of API wasn't limited to 1 query every 1,5sec
tron commented
Bump 🙂
This would be helpful/required for corporate usage.
rpt commented
++ this.
There is probably room for a corporate sub ($$) with less rate limiting options as well.
Deepthi commented
Yearly subscriptions would be really helpful for corporate environments.
Anonymous commented
Annual billing please!
Susan commented
I whole heartedly agree that this would be a great service. As many others here state, the cost of processing a monthly creditcard statement, would for us be greater than a years worth of subscription.
Anonymous commented
May I create a service that proxies this API for other end users, bills them annually, and sends HIBP aggregated monthly payments?
Moe commented
Please add the ability for corporate users to buy annual licenses. It cost us money to submit monthly expenses.
Anonymous commented
I agree. If it would be possible to purchase a year or two in advance that would be great
Josh Harding commented
For the convenience, I'd rather pay $50/yr than $3.50/mo. With fewer payments, the service fee should be reduced, so it'd be a win for HIBP too.
[Deleted User] commented
Yes, annual please !
Anonymous commented
Same here. The cost of processing the bill monthly is higher than the subscription cost
Anonymous commented
We have the same issue. We have to submit an expense report every month.
Anonymous commented
Yes, annual please